Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Lesson 3

Lesson 3 is an interesting justapostion. Usually this is subject is covered much later if at all. Tom talks about the various types of puppets and figures. He warns of the impulse buy and stresses starting from a concept of character. Begining with a direction and then finding or building that character.

I bought an Axtell chicken puppet from ebay. It was a great deal. Good price ... good shape. I have a concept that stems from from a concept of a cartoon that I had incorperated into another cartoon.It wasn't defined at all. It still isn't defined. I'm unsure of one of which direction I need to go and will have to develop through experimentation.

One thing that is not been covered has been the creation of character and if there is a limitation in those choices. Can you paint yourself into a corner? For example I have been looking at Kenny Croes' "Otis."


 He is sort of a "Mortimer Snerd" character. Stupid or just ignorant. I would want to make some modifications. Droopy eye lids. Red nose. A more pronounced beard stubble. A different hat. Destressed clothing and maybe an attempt at a union suit. I might even put a new pair of shoes that I got a couple of years ago with a doll figure. I could possibley get a pair of feet that are bare feet and blow out one of the shoes. You know ... make him a real yokel. I might put a jug in his hand and make him a drunk character. Can you do this any more? Is too old a character one way or the other?

I don't know.

I guess time will tell.

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